Global Chant Database
| The Project | |
Global Chant Database was developed by Jan Koláček
- PhD student of the Institute of Musicology at the Charles University in Prague.
The database is intended as an easy tool for scholars and students to search and identify plainchant melodies.
The purpose of the database is to comprise the chant incipits of all important editions
of plainchant and an adequate number of significant medieval manuscripts.
The melody encoding scheme is compatible with the font Volpiano and other melody codes -
this enables to make links with other chant databases.
Contents of the database:
Index of Gregorian Chant (melody incipits by John R. Bryden, David G. Hughes, edited by J. Koláček) | 10.593 |
CANTUS Database (melody incipits by R. Klugseder) | 9.617 |
Hymns and sequences (melody incipits by B. Rajeczky, edited by J. Koláèek) | 1.128 |
Alleluia melodies (melody incipits by Karlheinz Schlager, edited by D. Gatté) | 523 |
Total | 24.770 |
| A Brief History | |
01 Jan 2009: |
The first version of the database was released on this website.
It included references to Index of Gregorian Chant by John R. Bryden and David G. Hughes (Cambridge 1969): 10.593 records. |
24 Feb 2009: |
References to the CANTUS Database were added with kind permission of Debra Lacoste.
9.617 records containing melody codes from CANTUS are now included in the search engine results. |
27 May 2009: |
References to Schlager's Alleluia catalogues were added with kind permission and help of Dominique Gatté (see the online catalogue).
26 Aug 2009: |
The database was presented at the 15th meeting of the IMS study group
in Dobogókö, Hungary.
03 Sep 2009: |
Chant incipits from Benjamin Rajeczky, Hymni et sequentiae
(Budapest, 1956) were added to the database.
02 Nov 2009: |
Hymn melodies from the Cantus Planus database were added to GCD by courtesy of Prof. David Hiley.
| List of Resources | |
The database refers to the following catalogues, editions and manuscripts:
Chant catalogues:
BOS | Detlev BOSSE, Untersuchung einstimmiger mittelalterlicher Melodien zum "Gloria in excelsis deo"; Forschungsbeiträge zur Musikwissenschaft II, Regensburg 1955
MEL | Margaretha Landwehr-MELNICKI, Das einstimmige Kyrie des lateinischen Mittelalters; Regensburg, 1954
MMMA7 | Karlheinz SCHLAGER, Alleluia-Melodien I bis 1100; Kassel, 1968; Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi, VII
Mob | Carl Allan MOBERG and Ann-Marie NILSSON: Die liturgischen Hymnen in Schweden 2. I: Die Singweisen und ihre Varianten. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia musicologica Upsalienisia, Nova series, 13:1 (Uppsala 1991)
OTT | Carolus OTT, Offertoriale sive versus offertoriorum cantus Gregoriani; Paris, Tournai, Rome, 1935
Raj | Benjamin RAJECZKY, Melodiarium Hungariae Medii Aevi I. Hymni et Sequentiae; Budapest 1956
SCH | Martin SCHILDBACH, Das einstimmige Agnus Dei und seine handschriftliche Überlieferung vom 10. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert; Erlangen-Nürnberg, Diss., 1967
Schlager | Karl-Heinz SCHLAGER, Thematischer Katalog der ältesten Alleluia-Melodien aus Handschriften des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts, ausgenommen das ambrosianische, alt-römische und alt-spanische Repertoire (München, 1965; Erlanger Arbeiten zur Musikwissenschaft, 2)
ST | Bruno STÄBLEIN, Hymnen I., Die mittelalterlichen Hymnenmelodien des Abendlandes; Monumenta monodica medii aevi 1, Kassel und Basel, 1956
THAN | Peter Josef THANNABAUR, Das einstimmige Sanctus der römischen Messe in der handschriftlichen Überlieferung des 11. bis 16. Jahrhunderts; München, 1962
New editions:
AM | Antiphonale monasticum pro diurnis horis; Paris, Tournai, Rome; Desclée No. 818; 1934
AR | Antiphonale Romanum (Antiphonale sacrosanctae Romanae ecclesiae); Paris, Tournai, Rome; Desclée No. 820; 1949
GR | Graduale Romanum (Graduale sacrosanctae Romanae ecclesiae); Paris, Tournai, Rome; Desclée No. 696; 1952
LR | Liber responsorialis pro festis I. classis; Solesmes, 1895
LU | The Liber usualis with introduction and rubrics in English; Tournai, New York; Desclée No. 801; 1961
OHS | Officium hebdomadae sanctae et octavae Paschae; Rome, Paris, Tournai, Rome; Desclée No. 914; 1972
PM | Processionale monasticum ad usum congregationis Gallicae; Solesmes, 1893
VP | Variae preces ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu receptae; Solesmes, 5th ed., 1901
GB | Graduel de Benévent (Pal. mus. XV), Le Codex VI. 34 de la Bibliotheque Capitulaire de Benevent (11th-12th century)
GS | Walter Howard Frere (ed.), Graduale Sarisburiense; Reproduction in Facsimile of a Ms. of the 13th Century; London 1894; reprint 1966
LA | Antiphonaire monastique (Pal. mus. IX), Le Codex 601 de la Bibliotheque Capitulaire de Lucques (12th century)
SYG | Graduel de Saint-Yrieix (Pal. mus. XIII), Le Codex 903 de la Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris (11th century)
WA | Antiphonaire monastique (Pal. mus. XII), Le Codex F. 160 de la Bibliotheque de la cathedrale de Worcester (13th century)